A sister and brother unite to share stories, wisdom, ideas and laughs for a fun and better life.
9. Talking in public, black seed oil, safe ingredients, and bad gas
Talking in public, black seed oil, safe ingredients, and bad gas
8. Beauty, crystals and getting started
Silly Siblings Podcast, episode 8. Welcome to the simply siblings podcast. A sister and brother unite to share inspiration, stories, and ideas along their spiritual journey. Todd and Sarah launch their first of many to come podcasts. In this episode they discuss the launch and some of their plans ahead. Discussing beauty products, healing crystals, and more… Listen in and hear the conversation!
7. Do women have to wear makeup?
Todd asks Sarah about why women use or need makeup? True beauty lies within— but understanding WHY they use makeup helps solve an ancient puzzle.
6. The value of simple beauty products
Silly Siblings Podcast, episode 6. Welcome to the simply siblings podcast. A sister and brother unite to share inspiration, stories, and ideas along their spiritual journey. In this episode Todd and Sarah discuss dealing with day to day life, confidence, and the importance of safe and pure beauty products… Listen in and hear the conversation!
5. What's the difference between facial cleanser and soap?
SillySiblings Podcast, episode 5. What's the difference between facial cleanser and soap? Listen to Todd and Sarah discuss that and other self-care stuff… Join the conversation, join the fun!
4. What’s up with our kids voices?
Our voices change, personas change, and all the pressures in High school!— and same with our kids. So what’s up with that? Join the fun conversation on “voices”
3. Why simple skincare is important
Todd and Sarah discuss their family beauty and personal care products, launch ideas, and other skincare tips… Listen in and hear the conversation!
2. TikTok addiction, kids, and cotton candy grapes
Todd and Sarah are Back! Starting season 3 with a fun little podcast and more to come. Here. they jib jab about TikTok addiction, raising kids, being a grandma, and cotton candy grapes.
1. From Simply Siblings to SILLY Siblings! Let's get started!
Silly Siblings Podcast. A sister and brother unite to share stories, wisdom, ideas and laughs for a fun and better life.