Creative Blog.
Keywords, search words, and tags
What’s the difference? They are all share similar traits. Keywords (KEY - WORDS) — are the important words that apply to your product, service or business and relate to what your audience is searching for online. Search words are the words or phrases that your audience is searching for online. And tags, are names, titles, or descriptions that apply to your image, text, object, download, file or web page that help online robots, AI, and search applications find your product, service or business. And while they are almost always similar and even repetitive, there are occasions to be unique.
Keywords, search words, and tags
What’s the difference? They are all share similar traits. Keywords (KEY - WORDS) — are the important words that apply to your product, service or business and relate to what your audience is searching for online. Search words are the words or phrases that your audience is searching for online. And tags, are names, titles, or descriptions that apply to your image, text, object, download, file or web page that help online robots, AI, and search applications find your product, service or business. And while they are almost always similar and even repetitive, there are occasions to be unique.
Keywords and Search Words
Many people get lost here for no reason. It’s actually very simple, and there are many simple ways to determine what tags and keywords to use. Here are three basics: First, what words will your audience search for online? Second; what are the “hot” search terms out there right now for that topic? And third, make the words practical for everyone, not odd, clever, or lofty. Example: For “computers for sale” use “computers for sale”— not “electronic equipment that may improve the well-being of your life. It’s imperative to put yourself in the REAL customer’s shoes—what THEY are looking for.
Simple master trick 1: Go to google.com, or youtube.com and search for your topic. The top search words will show up at the top of the list.
Simple master trick 2: Go to trends.google.com and search your topic. You will get simple, live, and accurate data on what is being searched more.
Simple master trick 3: Don’t overthink it. It should be very quick to develop the right search words. What would search in Google?
Again, unnecessarily complex. Each “thing” online should have a description (tag) associated to it. Image, download file, webpage, logo, video, or otherwise will all be named to make it easy for the online world (web, internet, etc…) FIND you, your product or your service. And the more tagging you do, the more likely you will be found. For example, if I am selling a Catapult Computer, I would name the image I use on the web page “Catapult-Computer.” Not, “image1,” “img24356,” etc… Imagine you are a robot searching the web for terms and what would you want to come across?
Generally, try to basically think of them all the same. Simply use terms that your audience or potential customer would use to “search” out your product, service or business. And use Google to help you EASILY see what search terms will be used most often.