Creative Blog.
Embracing change and creative-wellness for ultimate business fitness
Change and health. Important to optimal existence, and two of the secrets of growing your business.
Change and health. Important to optimal existence, and two of the secrets of growing your business.
Change happens in nature as well as in our own lives. It happens in the expanse of the universe, and all the way down to our cells. And if we embrace the change and work with it—changing form, and “flowing WITH the river,” it becomes a very beautiful migration that leads to growth—flowing with change… “making lemonade out of lemons.”
Health—is partly innate, meaning that all living things have certain abilities and processes that are all unique. Some are innately very healthy, whereas others my have certain tendencies to be susceptible to various issues that relate to health. Some are asthmatic, some are not. Some can run long distances, some cannot. Some are allergic to grains, some are not. Regardless, there are always decisions and efforts that can be made that can have a positive effect on overall health. Eat right, sleep right, think right, breath right, drink right, and do right— will have a positive impact. Eat poorly, sleep poorly, think negatively, drink poisons, and do bad deeds— will affect your health negatively. It’s pretty simple.
Well the same applies to business. We can apply change adaption and health planning to anything at all in life. Weather changes, we tend our garden differently. We tend our garden and nurture it—it grows favorably. In business— if we embrace change, and apply optimal health planning, it has a tremendous impact on the outcome of our business.
Technology and business changes fast. Get on track now, or watch your business suffer. And just like personal health and fitness, there are a number of things that you need to do for your business to ensure optimal health of your business and a long healthy life. As we’ve all seen— things can change quickly in the world. Are you prepared? Were you prepared? And are you ready to make changes that will get you ahead of the game for years to come and ready fo more changes to come?
Like many people—they often sit complacently. They wait. They do nothing. They eat, sleep, drink, think, breath, and act poorly— then wonder why their health is poor. Same with many businesses; They often sit idle, not embracing change. Not “feeding” the business optimal energy to help it grow and thrive. Rather than developing a creative “health plan” for their business and implementing it— they complain. Here are some classics: “Things are bad, we’re in trouble, we’re getting no business, no one visits our website, I hate social media, the economy sucks, the President screwed us, taxes are too high, prices are too high, there’s no good help anywhere, no one likes this business anyway…” There are THOUSANDS of excuses. This is what kills business. Imagine if giants like Apple did that? They’d have become dead and gone years ago.
Now— think about the leaders. The mentors, the masters. The survivors, thrivers, movers, and shakers! It can be the 100 year old walking miles each day, or the multi BILLION dollar business. They don’t get “lucky” and they don’t get there my mistake, or by doing NOTHING. They get there by making their, or their businesses health a top priority. And the key here is that they don’t do it alone. Nothing is singular. The universe conspires together, living cells work together, our personal relationships and health relies on others— and businesses, rely on working together with others. Assembling teams, networks, associations, relationships, and partnerships that help align their values. You are a sum of those around you. Hanging out with negative nay-sayers, poor and unhealthy people, or choosing poor diet, exercise, smoking, will have a direct impact on a poor outcome. It’s pretty simple.
That’s one critical key. Follow, surround yourself, and attract high energy, high level, God-conscious level, winning, thriving, positive, and motivational influences and the outcome is the complete opposite. Think about it. Everything is a sum of its environment.
So start there. Seek winners, thrivers, helpers, positivity—those that appreciate life and the “best” in people and all of life. Redefine your values and beliefs, and CHOOSE to make change in your self, and CHOOSE to align with ONLY those that match up with that higher level. In business, key partnerships include those that want to help you attain your best self— your best business.
When you form the right business relationships, make better decisions, and fuel your business: With the right attitude, values, ‘diet’ and discipline and —the best—a group of masters that work together to keep you on track, help you change with the times, and help you THRIVE not just survive! Think about it— you are the best at what you do! You want to help people with what you do, and provide them a service, product, or expertise that you think will help. So simply allow that concept to help you as well. Let others guide you and create a successful synergy.
That’s one of my fundamental and critical personal and business core values: I provide a full service creative solution that will help you achieve the highest level of success in your business. Ideas, strategies, and execution to get you on track today— as well as leading you into the future.
I apply over 20 awesome years in the creative, personal and business field to help you achieve the best self, and business you can create with key questions, strategies, and executive creative agency level tools and solutions. Here’s a basic overview of my business health plan to help you attain creative-wellness for ultimate business fitness:
Embracing change and creative-wellness planning for ultimate business fitness
Brand “physical” and modern strategy planning
Like your physical health— your business health needs the right diet, exercise, and mental strategy to achieve ultimate health!
Discuss where you are and where you need to be— TODAY!
Get rid of old garbage— and develop a better “business fitness routine”
Embrace modern change—and implement realm honest, and AGGRESSIVE strategies
Ideas to GROW your business. Increase customers, gain following, become an influencer in your field and area
Pricing: Varies depending on factors to discuss. Often included in many plans below.
Website modernization
Create on a new CMS platform
Easy editing, even for DIY
Integration of modern tools— analytics, SEO, email marketing, and more…
Pricing: Varies between $2.5K and $10K depending on factors to discuss.
Social universe building
if you aren’t making social media a priority— you are going to fail. This is critical!
Create the RIGHT channels for your business
Gain the RIGHT followers
Create the RIGHT content
Develop and refine the RIGHT strategy—ongoing!
Pricing: Varies between $1K and $50K depending on factors to discuss.
Marketing and advertising structuring
Create a strategy, game plan, and system developed specially for you and your business/product.
Website development and content
Social media marketing
Email marketing
Subscribers, lists, and audience building
Engaging—CONTENT, CONTENT, CONTENT! Flyers, videos, graphics, papers, and more… Content is KEY!
Pricing: Varies depending on factors to discuss. Often included in many plans above.
Modern Communications Adaption
You NEED to set up modern tech— meet people where THEY are. Not where you “think” it is.
Tele-services, online, and live video ideas and implementation
Podcast and audio services
Pricing: Varies depending on factors to discuss. Often included in many plans above.
Where to start
The quick considerations are (1) first, how serious you are about getting you business to the next level. How bad you want it. Next (2) plan on investing in it—you have to think of money as energy and “diet”… investing in your business wisely, and correctly will help your business THRIVE… for example, say you spend $12K on updating and upgrading— it in turn doubles your exposure, doubles your customer base, and doubles your income, and protects you from failure… Remember you get out what you put in. But you need to partner with honest, successful, and equal-minded friends, partners, and relationships.
Start with a conversation.
I will meet with you and discuss where you are at, where you need to be— and ideas on how to get there. As well as some strategies, direct and honest services that I can help you with— or lead you to. I’ll explain them all in simple terms, answer questions, and help get you in the right direction. You can then make a decision based on what you believe is best for you and your business.
Let’s discuss! (508) 494-8182, todd@mitchellcreativegroup.com, http://www.mitchellcreativegroup.com.