The common challenges with properly “investing in modern business branding and marketing”

 First— here are 5 initial questions to help you see where you really are:

  1. Where are your honest quality and standards or expectations? High level 10— (Thriver: Leading, successful business master) — down to a Level 1: “Weedy lawn” laggard (Doesn’t matter much)

  2. Where do I value website, social media, and marketing? (10 absolute must — 1, neh, don’t think I need it)

  3. How important is your team, hires, or equipment? (10, need the best— 1, whatever works)

  4. What’s your attitude behind your business? (10 is I love business, I value teamwork, trust partners and third-party vendors… whereas a 1 is; “It’s frustrating, I don’t trust companies, I’m not all that content…”

  5. What are your expectations as far as the future of your business related to marketing? (10 means you plan on continually investing and working at it, whereas a 1 is I hope I don’t need to do much)

If you are in the 10s here— then we need to get started and get working. Now. And prepare for growth, an exciting future, and more customers and income! If you are in the low numbers, then expect the same old thing, and eventual failure or closing of you business! 

The common challenges with properly “investing in modern business branding and marketing” 

Challenge #1: Not considering the most important employee and piece of equipment

Most small and medium business owners (as well as many large corporations) don’t figure in the number-one employee and/or piece of equipment. An typical employee might cost anywhere from ~$20K—$50K+ (with benefits, insurance) PER YEAR, a building—many tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars, a new vehicle—maybe $25K-40K+, computers, furniture and office expenses—thousands of dollars more. 

Think of it like this: The right “equipment” (web/social/marketing) employee—even an intern, might cost you about $25K/year— at LEAST. And that’s junior, entry level… not high end. And only for a year or so until they want to find other work and leave you hanging— OR you pay more each year and they grow with you in an ideal scenario—but more $$$. Instead of settling for a high quality “pencil sharpening” — invest in a future-worthy set of high tech pencils custom built for you that will last you years to come. If you invest in enhancing your brand image and messaging, gain a large social media following, nurture your customers, and increase your marketing efforts—you then increase business by $10K-$50K/year or more over the years ahead.

Challenge #2: Not putting ANY value into online (Web), Social Media, or Marketing

Most business owners (at least the laggards—"ones that lag behind”) don’t VALUE quality website/social/marketing. They simply think it’s too expensive, or just unnecessary. The biggest misconception of all. This is what differentiates the failing businesses, scrambling around wondering why their business stinks— vs. thrivers, leaders, and successful businesses. They value an outstanding website, quality messaging and content, growing, strategic and engaging social media, and engaging, interesting, and effective (and REGULAR) marketing. Today— website (THE key brand element), social media, and marketing are THE number one investment tag team.

Challenge #3: Assuming that hiring “anyone” will do the job

Anyone can hire ‘cousin Johnny’ to do their online work. They usually don’t even do that. But even then— you end up with ‘cousin Johnny online work.’ I can write a 20 page paper on all the ins and outs of websites, social media, and marketing… how to create Google ads, how meta data is used, value of social media today, why blogs are important, etc… Just like you can write me papers on your expertise. And you wouldn’t hire, assign, or partner with just anyone. You would want the right person or team to be on board to do what? Do it RIGHT, do it WELL, and help grow your business. So assembling or hiring the right team to align with your goals make a HUGE difference. Period. Quality and expertise have their place.

Challenge #4: Leading with a “cheap” investment and evaluation mentality

Out-the gate valuation as “cheap”— sets the stage for a cheap, low-quality future. For example, If I want a ‘cheap Home Depot hose’, then expect a cheap, leaky, kinked broken hose— and another, and another… Invest in a nice, resilient hose, it will last longer and do a better job. If on the other hand, my mentality is “I want to do this right, and smartly invest in the right solutions to grow my business” that will have a different outcome. WARNING though: There are “over-evaluations” as well! You can spend too much, or overblown things that make no sense. Buying nonsense you don’t need, too much equipment, over-qualified people, etc… So there is a sweet spot in the middle. The “RIGHT” evaluation and investment. And each is unique.

So here are the basics— invest and strategize wisely. A solid game plan… not being cheap, but also not over-spending. High level leaders in businesses adapt, learn, grow and invest— quality people, teams, and equipment which includes your brand image, messaging, communication, website, content, media, social media, marketing, and advertising. What you put in is what you get out.

What I do!

What I do— is condense a year or more in branding, messaging, PR, and planning—along with website consulting, planning, and designing, as well as social media building (an important sister to websites), and marketing planning and content development to help your business thrive, grow and adapt. Increase awareness, grow customers, increase revenue, and expand with visible and measurable results. Plain, simple, and comparatively VERY affordable. I get businesses from NO social media presence, old-school, old website, and zero marketing— to a modern, current and engaging website, significant social media following and raving fans, and a robust and energized marketing plan that helps you grow your business.

Keep in mind, If I help do a “cheap,” quick “pencil sharpening,” it’s only going to be the nub of your pencil and last a short time. Who’s going to market you? Who’s going to set up social media? Who’s going to create content? Engage customers? Advertise? Etc.. If you drive around and see beautiful yards, it’s from the work put in. Weedy, unkept yards, are a sum of the “value” put into that property as well… In business, it’s the same thing.

But yes— there are options, and sometimes a full array of services that sometimes aren’t necessary. Maybe a few pieces to get started. Thus, a good discussion with a quality creative professional!

Here’s a list of the types of things you are getting behind the scenes:

Branding, messaging, and PR

Fine tuning your look and feel so it’s accuate, modern, high quality

Pricing: ~$1200 - $10K+/- depending on how much and what you need, size of business, etc…

  • Logo quality, updates, revisions

  • Messaging— what it says, how it’s written

  • Images— are they modern, quality

  • Content— is there good quality content for your customers

  • Review current structure, how you relate to the outside world—how we need to change it

  • Discuss MODERN business: Do you have a video feed? Do Zoom meetings, etc?

  • Podcast, videos?

  • Branding strtategy: What we need to do… the GAME PLAN!



Determine update existing or create new (new is usually the case) so it’s modern, current, and engaging

Pricing: ~$5K - $15K+/- depending on the site

  • Evaluate the whole site, what the best game plan is

  • Detemine your costs and where you are now and where you need to be

  • Design new site

  • New graphics

  • New text

  • Strategic navigation

  • Marketing messaging (so it sells!)

  • Forms and download creation

  • Content— videos, papers

  • Edits

  • SEO (search engine optimization): Key words, meta tags, decripts, and all SM integration

  • Analytics

  • Training— showing you how to make basic edits

  • Hosting and domain support: Where the site lives, and is hosted— we can save money often here


Social Media

Determine and execute the ideal Social Media (SM) game plan for you business

Pricing: ~$1K - $100K+/- depending on channels, amount (scale, quantity) of SM marketing, monthly, annually, etc… Basic 3 month marcomm plan is in the $15K range ($5k/month) 

  • Evaluate where you are at, what you need

  • Create SM channels, set up acounts

  • Create graphics for acounts

  • Create meta data, descriptions on all accounts

  • Build qualified and targeted leads (followers) on SM accounts

  • Create and post regular posts on all accounts (1 or 5 a day, 1 or 5 a week, etc…)

  • Content development (writing)

  • SEO (search engine optimization): Key words, meta tags, decripts, and all SM integration

  • Analytics

  • Graphics-creation for posts

  • Custom content for posts (videos, papers, downloads, etc…) to excite the audience

  • Engage in and interact with cusomers on SM

  • Integrate SM with webiste

  • Continually engage, grow, post, and interact



Develop an appropriate communications plan to engage with, build and grow your audience

Pricing: ~$1200 - $10K+/- depending on what channels, what methods, frequency, and extent— and additional expenses

  • Determine best fit: Email, Social Media (SM), website, print, mailers, video, feeds, events, or combination

  • Content creatio

  • Writing

  • Graphics

  • Email marketing

  • Website content to market your business— goes on website

  • Print mailers to mail to customers

  • Event presence; Create material for relevant shows and events

  • Flyers and ads that can be put online, emailed, mailed, and on social media

  • Develop and eengage active plan— should be on going!

  • Emailing customer list

  • List building

  • Alternative listings: Organizations, affiliations, an groups to help spread your brand

  • Social media ads: Google ads, FB ads, etc…

  • SEO (search engine optimization): Key words, meta tags, decripts, and all SM integration

  • Analytics

  • Quartely planning: Thinking ahead to continually post, monitor, and engage!

  • CONTENT, CONTENT, CONTENT! Create continually— and always engaging customers

  • Newspaper ads

  • Billboard and signage

  • Vehicle, labels, stickers, magnets, giveaways

A beautiful yard, a beautiful soul, business, product, or service— all take work. The right equipment, investment and attitude make all the difference in the world!

A beautiful yard, a beautiful soul, business, product, or service— all take work. The right equipment, investment and attitude make all the difference in the world!

Simple, practical, and inspired creative. Free creative coaching. Free first project for qualifiers. The best creative solution.

3.2.1. Get creative.,, (508)494-8182.

© Copyright Todd Mitchell, Mitchell Creative Group, LLC


Power of Power


Embracing change and creative-wellness for ultimate business fitness